Privacy Policy

Data Controller

The Private Company under the trade name “ESTEEM Finance and Property Services P.C.”, based in Athens, at I. Momferratou str, 136, with T.I.N.: 11475, hereinafter for the sake of brevity referred to as “The Company”. Contact email for exercising rights arising from this policy: info [at] esteefps [dot] gr This data protection policy applies only to personal data collected by the Controller through the use of the website

    1. Rights of the data subject

    1.1. Right of access to your personal data that concern you provided that they are processed by the Company.

    1.2. Right to rectification of inaccurate data as well as to have incomplete personal data completed.

    1.3. Right to erasure of your personal data without prejudice to the Company's obligations and legal rights.

    1.4. Right to restriction of your personal data.

    1.5. Right to withdraw your consent.

    2. How to exercise your rights

    2.1. Any request regarding your personal data and the exercise of your rights shall be addressed by email to the Company.

    3. Complaint

    3.1. You have the right to appeal to the Hellenic Data Protection Authority (

    4. Personal data collected

    4.1. Full name.

    4.2. Telephone.

    4.3. Email (in case this is identifiable personal data).

    4.4. Personal Data voluntarily supplied on the Company's contact form or email, whose categories can not be previously identified.

    5. Data processing of minors

    5.1. The processing of minors' personal data, through the information society services directly to them, is legal provided that the minor has reached the age of fifteen (15) and provides its consent.

    5.2. If the minor is under the age of fifteen (15), the processing of the afore mentioned paragraph is legal only after the provision of consent of his legal representative.

    6. Purpose of the processing

    6.1. The Company's claim to protect its legitimate interests and the information about future offers (newsletter).

    7. Legal Basis

    7.1. For the Company's claims: The protection of the Company's legitimate interests.

    7.2. For information about future offers: Your consent

    8. Data storage period

    8.1. Up to five (5) years from the transmitting of the data to the Company.

    9. Recipients

    9.1. Employees of the Company and external partners (indicatively and not restrictively: Legal Advisor, Accountant, Technical support staff of the Company).

    9.2.No data is transferred to third parties for any commercial purpose that is not mentioned in this policy.

    10. Data transfer to a third country or international organizations

    10.1. No data is transferred to a third country or international organizations.

    11. Cookies

    11.1. In order to ensure the proper functioning of the website, we sometimes place small pieces of data on your computer, the so-called “cookies”.

    11.2. What are cookies?

    11.2.1. Cookies are small text files that a website saves on your computer or mobile device when you visit it. In that way, the website remembers your actions and your preferences (such as password, language, font size, and other display preferences) for a period of time, so you do not have to enter these preferences each time you visit the website or browse its pages.

    11.3. Types of cookies

    11.3.1. There are different types of Cookies, operating, technical, users identification, advertising etc. The Cookies of each website are installed by the website you are visiting and can be viewed only by it. If the website uses external services of third parties, then the so-called third parties cookies are also installed on your device. Permanent cookies are those that are stored on your computer and are not automatically deleted when you close your browser. Every time that you visit our website, you will be asked to accept or reject the cookies. Ιf you consciously decide to accept them, our website will memorize your preferences for a specific period of time. In this way you will not have to re-enter your preferences when browsing our website during the same visit.

    11.4. The purpose of using Cookies.

    11.4.1. Providing better experience when visiting the website and making improvements.

    11.4.2. Personalizing your experience.

    11.4.3. Tracking visitors by country and town.

    11.4.4. Time spent on our website, country - town.

    11.4.5. Operating system/ device type.

    11.5. Which cookies service we use:

    11.5.1. Google Analytics

    11.6. Enabling the cookies is not necessary for the website to run, but through the use of them, you will have the opportunity for a better browsing

    11.7. You can delete or block the access to these cookies, but if you do so, some website features may not operate well.

    11.8. The information related to the cookies is not used to identify you personally and we have the total control of the data.

    11.9. Cookies are not used for purposes other than those described in this policy.

    11.10. You can withdraw your consent by clicking here.

    11.11. How to control cookies:

    11.11.1. You can control and/or delete cookies according to your desire.

    11.11.2. Details can be found here: